Club Events
The Board of Directors of the Polish Club of Atlanta is very thankful for your response to the Club’s appeal.
Your continuous support and involvement will secure the Club’s future.
The Polish Club’s existence, as a non-profit organization, is resting entirely on the dedication of many volunteers.
According to the Club’s Bylaws from October 1999, as a non-profit organization, the Board of Directors is elected by the members of the Club for a term of two years twice renewable. The Board of Directors consists of:
- President
- Two Vice-Presidents
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Directors and Members of Various Committees
- Immediate Past President
- President Elect
- Every Volunteer who actively supports the Club
The election will be conducted and supervised by the approved by the current Board of Directors of PCA ,Nominating/Electing Committee, consisting of (alphabetically):
Maryla Adamczyk
Marzena Dudziak
Barbara Leszczynski
Anna Lech-Mlynarz
Dorota Olson
It is not too late to submit your candidacy.
Every form of help is essential and priceless.
Information about the date of the election will be available soon.
If you are considering your candidacy or have any questions, please contact Barbara Leszczyński at and Dorota Olson
The Polish Club of Atlanta has a non-profit status 501(c)(3), which allows for all donations to be tax deductible and the Club does not pay taxes.
On behalf of the Nominating/Electing Committee
Barbara Leszczynski - the Chairperson